When graphic illustrator Mady Marcelino aka Hey Mady! was asked on the importance of carving your own style out, she said that it was most important to find the spark, that place of being “in tact with your own emotions,” and “going back to your roots, to whatever implanted in you to pursue art in the first place.”
We collaborated with Mady to commemorate art, the finer details, the grander schemes. In the Hey Mady! — PURVEYR "It Starts With You" T-Shirt, it touches upon the base foundations of her work, our shared belief in the importance of looking within, and our goal to empower creatives to start and continue creating.
You can read more about Hey Mady! here: https://bit.ly/purveyr-heymady21 or you can also follow her at instagram.com/hey.mady